Episode 32: Positivity—The Secret to Success


On this episode of The Friday Habit, Mark provides 5 of the top ways to be a more positive person. It has been proven time and again that your emotions have the power to change your body at a cellular level, so here are a few techniques to ensure that those are positive changes rather than negative.

1. Have a lens of positivity – Let your first reaction to any situation be to ask yourself “What is this trying to teach me?” Even when you can’t control the circumstances, you can control how you respond to them. You can choose to make the best of it, and you will likely find that things weren’t as bad as they seemed when you look back.

2. Be grateful – Many people spend some time every morning thinking about or writing down a list of things they are grateful for. It is hard to be negative when you are aware of how many things in your life are going well, even the simplest things.

3. Get enough sleep and exercise – Set routines for yourself to ensure that you go to bed at a reasonable time and you have time set aside in your day to exercise, even if it is just taking a break to walk outside during the work day. There are physical and mental benefits to getting 6 or more hours of sleep per night as well as through the release of endorphins during exercise.

4. Look to gain experiences more than possessions – You never look back on material things with joy, but memorable experiences are always worth it. Your kids won’t remember what you gave them for their 8th birthdays, but they will remember the road trip you took as a family.

5. Help others – Acts of kindness have a way of positively impacting the people you are serving as well as boosting your own satisfaction and happiness. You can’t be negative while helping people and gaining a better perspective of how fortunate you are in life.

Your action item after this episode is to integrate gratitude into your routine, writing down a list of things you are grateful for every day.

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