Episode 22: Our Top 5 Productivity Apps


This episode of The Friday Habit podcast is dedicated to everyone out there who is looking for a little extra help to maintain or improve their productivity, particularly those people who find themselves thinking “Isn’t there an app out there that can help me with this one thing I need to do AND is well-designed and beautiful to stare at?!” Rest assured that Ben and Mark have got you covered.

Here is Mark’s list:

1. Spark Mail – This app for Apple and iOS allows you to combine all of your email inboxes into one, snooze emails that you aren’t ready to address yet, schedule responses, pin urgent emails to the top of your inbox, and collaborate with your team members on specific emails without bogging down your inbox.

2. Paste – This app is like an archived copy + paste function. It allows you to scroll through your clipboard and retrieve previously copied content so you can paste it now. There is also an iPhone app, so you can integrate your computer and phone seamlessly.

3. Overcast – A podcast curation app that compiles all of your subscribed podcasts into one place, Overcast provides you with the ability to share specific clips of episodes with people and has a smart speed function that can make episodes shorter without distorting the audio.

4. Pixelmator Pro – If you have ever needed an app like Photoshop but you haven’t wanted to shell out the serious cash required by an Adobe subscription, Pixelmator Pro is the answer to all of your problems. Just trust us on this one.

5. Calcbot – Essentially, this is a simple calculator with an archive function that allows you to go back to previous calculations for reference.

And here is Ben’s list:

1. Things – Things is a to-do list and project management app that Ben describes as “simple, minimal, powerful, and intentional” which allows you to schedule tasks and reminders in an environment that promotes productivity.

2. Bear – This is an app for writing and note-taking which features tags, mark down, search, and full-screen focus functions.

3. Mindnode – Mindnode is an app for mind mapping, which is great for brainstorming and so much more.

4. Tempo – An email app which is currently in beta, Tempo aims to solve your email problem by batch delivering new emails into your inbox at specified times and showing you one email at a time for you to categorize or respond to.

5. Loom – Loom allows you to record your screen or your face or both and easily share these videos with others.

Your action item after this episode is to take a look at your apps and evaluate which ones are really helping you, perhaps investing in a few new apps will help you be more productive.


Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/ 

Spark Mail: https://sparkmailapp.com/ 

Paste: https://pasteapp.io/ 

Overcast: https://overcast.fm/ 

Pixelmator Pro: https://www.pixelmator.com/ 

Calcbot: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/calcbot-2/id376694347 

Things: https://culturedcode.com/ 

Bear: https://bear.app/ 

Mindnode: https://mindnode.com/ 

Tempo: https://www.yourtempo.co/ 

Loom: https://www.loom.com/ 

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